I-75 / I-24 Phase II Construction Update

Beginning July 14, 2023, the Tennessee Department of Transportation will start Phase II of the I-75 / I-24 project.

What you need to know: Accessing Brainerd Baptist Church, Brainerd BX, and Brainerd Baptist School from I-75 / I-24 will be significantly impacted until the Fall of 2025.


Exit // Entrance Ramps | I-24 | 07.14.23:

  • West: 183 A (Belvoir Ave)

  • East: 184 (Moore Rd)

Bridges | 07.19.23:

  • S. Moore Rd

  • McBrien Rd

Access Brained Baptist:

From I-24 West: Use Exit 184 Moore Rd to Brookfield or Belvoir Ave.

From I-24 East: Use Exit 183 S. Germantown Rd to Belvoir Ave.

Access Brainerd Baptist from

I-75 / I-24 via N. Terrace to Belvoir Ave

I-75 / I-24 Traffic flow to/from Brainerd Baptist

I-75 / I-24 Traffic flow around Brainerd Baptist

TDOT graphics, information, and updates can be found on their sites found at the links below