We can’t wait to see your kids on Sunday morning and teach them about the love of Jesus from the Bible!

Registraion is required for BrainerdKids.
We understand dropping your child off in a new environment can be an overwhelming experience and we want to make the transition as easy as possible. When you arrive, stop by the Welcome Desk and a staff member or volunteer will walk you and your child to their classroom where you will meet their teacher and see the environment.

Families with nursery and preschool-aged children can leave kids in class while parents attend a worship service and life group, or worship service and serve on a Sunday Serve Team. Elementary children attend worship services with parents, as part of their family discipleship journey, and attend elementary life group during the life group hour. We ask all parents with kids who attend BrainerdKids to take a turn serving with us regularly.
CHA: 8:30 & 11:00 | Nursery | Preschool
CHA: 9:45 Nursery | Preschool | Elementary Life Group
ER: 11:00 | Nursery | Preschool | Elementary Life Group
NGA: 9:00 | Nursery | Preschool
NGA: 10:30 | Nursery | Preschool | Elementary Life Group
NGA 5th Sunday Family Worship - For months with a 5th Sunday, the North Georgia campus has family worship. All children, 6wks - 5th grade, come together for worship as one body. On these Sundays, there is no worship care, preschool, or elementary life groups.
See Chattanooga , East Ridge, or North Georgia for specific campus information.
CHA: BrainerdKids is located in Grand Stanley Station just inside the entrance accessible from the Purple Lot – Parking Information.
ER: BrainerdKids is located in the BrainerdKids Building. A staff member or volunteer will be happy to help you at the main entrance of the worship center.
NGA: BrainerdKids is located down the right-side hallway through the main entrance.
BrainerdKids is divided into three groups: Nursery (6wks - 2yrs), Preschool (2yrs by Aug. 15 - 4yrs), Elementary (Kindergarten - 5th Grade).
Classrooms are determined by birthday or grade.
Kids are dropped off and picked up in their classrooms by a parent or guardian.
Registration is required and we recommend families register each member of your family before visiting - This will save time and allow us to serve you more efficiently upon arrival.
Plan to arrive about 15 minutes before the service - We want to get to know your family, help with check-ins, and guide you to where you need to go.
Nursery - 2yrs old | Worship Care only
2yrs old - 5th-grade experience age-specific chronological learning of the scriptures using the Gospel Project curriculum. Click Here To learn more about The Gospel Project; to see our chronological schedule, click here.
Midweek (CHA Campus Only): Details about BrainerdKids Midweek can be found here.
Nursery - 2yrs old | Worship Care
2yrs old by August 15 | Awana Puggles
3yrs old by August 15 | Awana Cubbies
K5 - 5th Grade | Kids Journey | Foundation Worldview
Have a child with special needs? We would love to partner with you in ministering to your child. Contact us for more information.
BrainerdKids wants every child to be seen and welcomed, learn about Jesus, and feel safe and secure. Volunteers go through regular training and background checks.
Hold on to the security tag(s) you receive at check-in because they will be needed to pick up your child(ren) after the service.
When you register for your visit, we recommend letting the BrainerdKids staff know about any current Legal, Child Custody, Visitation, or Support issues that we may need to be aware of.
BrainerdKids serves all children from 6wks - 5th Grade.
If you have a heart for strengthening and serving the Bride of Christ – His Church – and believe that God may be calling you to serve with us, please review the available positions. If you meet the qualifications, we invite you to fill out an application and email the contact listed for each open position.
If you have additional questions, we would love to hear from you, please email kids@brainerdbaptist.org

BrainerdKids Staff
Brittany Kelly
Kids Director
Cindy Pitts
Kids Ministry Assistant
Morgan Bates
Kids Ministry Associate
Kristi Smith
PDO Director
Karly Bateman
PNO Coordinator
Kaye Laso
NGA Kids Ministry Coordinator
Shelby Vandegriff
NGA Kids Ministry Coordinator
Aslen Cabrera
East Ridge Kids Ministry Director
Damaris Betancourt
East Ridge Kids Ministry Director